In a delightful collision of wit, tragedy, and unexpected connections, “Commencing” by Jane Shepard takes centre stage at Barnstorm’s Lunchtime Theatre series. This award-winning short play invites audiences to witness the magic of a blind date gone awry, where two people find themselves on a journey that defies expectations.

Kelli and her blind date, both quick-witted and unafraid to speak their minds, are deeply marked by their past experiences. Their hope for the future shines through, even as they grapple with unexpected twists.

“Commencing” invites us to reflect on life’s complexities, all while keeping the audience guessing. Prepare for a blend of humour and unexpected connections that will leave you pondering long after the curtain falls.

Performance Details:

  • Venue: Barnstorm Studio, 3 John’s Quay, Kilkenny R95T382
  • Dates: 24 to 28 June 2024 weekdays at 1pm sharp
  • Tickets: Available online at Gr8 Events or on the door

Don’t miss this lunchtime treat—join us for “Commencing” and experience the magic of unexpected encounters.

For media inquiries, please contact: Philip Hardy 056 7751266

Barnstorm’s Lunchtime Theatre series is dedicated to bringing quality theatrical experiences to our community during the lunch hour. Our intimate venue provides a unique setting for short plays, allowing audiences to escape the daily grind and immerse themselves in captivating stories while eating lunch.