Tag Archives: theatre club

Barnstorms’ Adult Theatre Club is starting in 2023 with a one-year part-time programme, Theatre Production Skills.

The ATC, originally a 2-year course, was first introduced in 2007 in answer to many requests from adults in the region who wanted to know more about theatre and how to make a performance. With a maximum of 14 members each year the alumni from successive groups (2007-2015) formed the Barn Owl Players which has remains a vibrant local amateur theatre company that still creates its own unique blend of theatre and theatrical happenings from Tennessee Williams, to John B Keane and from One-Act Festivals to full length plays.

The 2023 Adult Theatre Club will act as an introduction to local adults who wish to explore, investigate and create theatre as a hobby.

With the support of Kilkenny’s professional theatre company behind the club, this really is an exciting opportunity to join a vibrant and dynamic programme of both training and performances. In the past, club members have experienced training in everything from improvisation, basic acting and stagecraft to theatre directing and scriptwriting.

“The Adult Theatre Club is an ideal way of introducing anyone new to acting and theatre in a fun environment; as well as offering local actors a means of honing their skills.” says new Participation and Education Officer Jo Hennessy. “No experience is necessary just a keen interest, an open mind and a willingness to try new things” she says.

If you are interested fill in an online Registration Form by Friday 27 January. You can also contact Jo, 056 7751266 or jo@barnstorm.ie, to get a Registration Form

The first session is on the 2 February and every Thursday evening thereafter from 7.00 to 9.00pm at 3 Johns Quay, Kilkenny R95 T382. Booking is essential, as places are limited.